Saturday, August 24, 2013

Apocalypse Now: Our End-of-the-World Odds

Patrick Aventurier/Getty Images
We've all seen the various sign-wielding, oft-toothless and wild-eyed folks bemoaning that doomsday is at hand, chuckling to ourselves as we hustle and bustle on to our cubicles or to meet friends for a frothy beverage. "Silly fella," we think to ourselves, secure in our presumption that the apocalypse most assuredly isn't nigh, "he must be totally bonkers."
Don't be too sure.
While the old "trumpet sounding/floating away" theory may or may not pan out, nature has a few potential surprises in store that are more Four Horsemen than Pacific Rim. We sat down with Dan Martin, author of Apocalypse: The Book and survival website DIY Sufficient, to get his professional opinion on each of these possible scenarios, including having him assign a risk factor of 1 (unlikely) to 10 (it's gonna happen, no doubt about it) to each.

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