By measuring popularity, researchers will know who to quarantine first, Photo: Flickr/scragz
In the event of a pandemic outbreak of bird flu or the new
MERS virus, public officials might want to look at quarantining
children and teachers first—a new study has found that young people and
school teachers are prime candidates to spread infection, due to the
amount of "social contact" they have each day.
Anyone who has watched chicken pox spread through a
classroom may think the study's findings are just common sense, but
tracking disease as it moves through a population has been tough,
especially with highly contagious, airborne infections like the flu.
The study, published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B,
tracked the social interactions of about 5,000 British people. It found
that average person had about 26 hours of contact with other people per
day (when someone was in close contact with multiple people at once,
the time with each person was counted). But some groups had much more
contact than the average person, including children (47 hours), health
workers (33 hours), people in the service industry (33 hours), and
teachers (32 hours).
"There was a big hole in our knowledge about how people
interact," Leon Danon, of the University of Warwick and lead author of
the study, said. "We had to make a lot of assumptions about patterns of
interactions and their networks that might facilitate infectious disease
transmission. Now we've got a general overview about what social
patterns are like."
Among the findings: As people age, they tend to have less
social interaction, with the exception of parents, who have to take
their kids on playdates and the like. Total contact hours peak when you
are a toddler, with roughly 40 hours of "touching" social contact per
day. That falls below 20 hours in your 20s before reaching a last-ditch
peak of about 25 hours in your 40s. People in their 80s had, on average,
less than 10 hours of social contact a day.
Photo: Proceedings of the Royal Academy B
Teachers, students, transport workers, mechanics, and
office workers had the most social interaction daily. These
findings, Danon said, can help public health officials shut down disease
once there's an outbreak by either quarantining certain people or
administering prophylactic drugs to those groups first.
"This certainly helps tell us the people who we should be
targeting. If we have a vaccine, that's great, but with a novel
pandemic, the likelihood is there won't be a vaccine. The thing to do is
to keep those people as far away from each other as possible," Danon
said. "We can do things like closing schools in a pandemic setting so
children have a lower number of social contacts."
Danon and his team are now working on studies to better
understand how social networks work. While they now know how often
people with certain jobs interact with others, they don't know exactly
how those occupations are connected.
"We're limited now in that we only know statistics about
single individuals. We don't know how they're linked together, how these
things spread through the country. We're working on seeing how certain
demographics interact," he said. "I think right now we're way behind
highly infectious disease. With swine flu in the UK, we tried to do
contact tracing, but because flu is so contagious, it just kind of
escaped us."
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